

Developed by Benchmark Portal

Updated 07/28/2022

Version 1

iBenchmark: Automated Benchmarking Tool by BenchmarkPortal

Ease + Expertise. iBenchmark is an automated benchmarking tool that allows your contact center data to flow through a secure API to BenchmarkPortal’s servers: the largest contact center database in the world. iBenchmark subscribers will receive monthly reports on their KPIs -- giving management the ability to measure their center's performance against its peers thus providing more managerial control and insight in selecting improvement initiatives that will have measurable impacts on financial and operational performance.

Key features

Largest Contact Center Database in the World

BenchmarkPortal has been collecting contact center metrics since 1995 accross a number of industries, ensuring that the data presented to clients are both timely and accurate.

Ease of Use

KPI reports are generated automatically with very little involvement from stakeholders.

Apples-to-Apples Comparison

Your contact center will be benchmarked against its peers, thus giving managers a better picture of how well they are performing against their competitors.

Expert Advice

iBenchmark subscribers get expert analysis and recommendations from BenchmarkPortal's team of Contact Center Professionals.

Additional information


Benchmarking, Reporting, & Bi

Plans & Pricing

iBenchmark Lite


for 30 days

Free iBenchmark Lite Report, covering 16 data points.

The Free trial is open to all TalkDesk clients. iBenchmark Lite will come with a free report and a one-time "readout" where one of our Senior Consultants will deliver an analysis of the contact center's performance.