

Developed by Orbit Group Partners

Updated 08/22/2024

Version 1.0

SaaS model, with volume-based discounts. Plan includes Dashboards, Balanced Scorecards, Performance Coaching, Recognitions, and Support.

Orbit GUARANTEES Compas is self-funding with at least 150% hard dollar return in Year 1. Compas is an Employee Success platform that enables organizations and performers: • Actionable Performance Intelligence Business and Human Performance Insights packaged for immediate action Balanced Scorecards with Variable Compensation Management • Performance Coaching with Intelligent Coach Assist™ supporting the performers and coaches to align focus to the area that delivers greater Employee Success • Ranking and recommendation of the “next-best” opportunities • Increased capacity to engage, connect and develop through Patent Pending Integration MS Teams Observation Module captures Skill Assessment and tracks benchmarking of progress • Enhanced analytics uses the latest technologies to provide: Organization alignment to support improvement opportunities Winning % of Coaching plans to guide success and calibrate tactics Behavioral tactic improvement yield to guide the performer and coach on selecting the “most appropriate, highest probability of success” focus • Dynamic Behavior Library that allows companies to harvest and deploy best-practice tactics enabling specific focus to improve Will, Knowledge, and Skill • Event Centre provides a framework for Celebration, Engagement, Next Best Action, and other opportunities to increase human connection and interaction

Key features

Performance Coaching:

Platform supports Behavioural commitment alignment, goaled KPI performance improvement tracking, and low overhead coaching sessions between team leader and agents.

Behaviour Library:

Manager and agents can select best-practice behaviours (and tactics) that specifically focus on knowledge and skill development to support performance improvement. The platform comes with thousands of embedded behaviours. The library can be easily customized on a per customer basis to ensure focus on the behaviours that produce best results for each customer.

Observation Module:

An easy to use assessment workspace on the platform that provides for the capture of behavioural observations and skill proficiency on a per agent basis.

Yield Analysis:

Each coaching of a specific behaviour is analyzed by Compas to determine if the focus provides an increase, decrease, or no affect on the targetted benefits for the performer. This yield analysis can focus the coaching/training to provide a targeted uplift in individual and collective performance. It also informs the team of behaviours that no not contribute to individual and/or organizational success. Key lever in suggested next-best action(s)

Recognition and Celebration:

The platform provides space for recognition and celebrations. It includes performance achievement badges and other forms of special recognition. This capability helps to reinforce the connection between the agents, their individual performance, and their impact to the larger organization with a focus on building a culture of recognition and support along with high-performance.

Performance Reporting:

1) Business and Human Performance Insights packaged for immediate action 2) Balanced Scorecards with Variable Compensation Management

Intelligent Coach Assist™:

Compas suggests the "next best" behaviors and tactics to increase the likelihood of individual agent performance improvement.

Additional information


North America


Live Dashboards, Agent Coaching & Performance, Benchmarking, Reporting, & Bi

Customer Segments

Commercial, Enterprise, Strategic